Browsing by Author "Hudyma, Nataliia"

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  • Galamanzhuk, Lesia; Smolianko, Yuliia; Hudyma, Nataliia; Balatska, Larisa; Mytskan, Tetiana; Mysiv, Volodymyr; Marchuk, Volodymyr (OVS LLC, 2022-12-23)
    The purpose of the study was to determine the state of performance of motor actions by girls with different handedness, which establishes a valid program for each age period of 3–5 years. Materials and methods. Sixty girls ...
  • Piestrzyński, Wojciech; Stasiuk, Ivan; Sarzała, Dariusz; Iedynak, Gennadii; Marzec, Arkadiusz; Hudyma, Nataliia; Šrobárová, Soňa; Mykhalskyi, Аnatolii; Woźniak, Waldemar; Mykhalskа, Yuliia (Editura Universitatii din Pitesti, 2021-10)
    The aim of the present study was to observe the relationship between limitations of the opportunities for engaging in selected forms of physical activity during the COVID-19 lockdown period and the sense of personal security ...