Browsing by Author "Marchuk, Daniil"

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  • Galamandjuk, Lesia; Siedlaczek-Szwed, Aleksandra; Iedynak, Gennadii; Dutchak, Myroslav; Stasjuk, Ivan; Prozar, Mykola; Mazur, Valerii; Bakhmat, Nataliia; Veselovska, Taisiia; Kljus, Olena; Marchuk, Daniil (Editura Universitatii din Pitesti, 2019-07)
    We evaluated the effectiveness of various types of physical training during classes of 5–6-year-old girls with different handedness. Each training method was applied to girls with ambidexterity, left- and righthandedness, ...
  • Sliusarchuk, Viktora; Iedynak, Gennadii; Galamanzhuk, Lesia; Blavt, Oksana; Balatska, Larisa; Zoriy, Yaroslav; Nakonechnyi, Ihor; Marchuk, Daniil; Dotsyuk, Lidiia; Moldovan, Andriy (Editura Universitatii din Pitesti, 2021)
    The aim of the study was to establish features in the physiological characteristics of cadet girls during each year of study at the military academy. Material and Methods. The study involved 108 girls who were 17-18 years ...