У статті описано характерні ознаки та мовні засоби публіцистичного стилю; розкрито напрями та функції газетного тексту, шляхи проникнення розмовної лексики в газетно-публіцистичний дискурс; подано приклади розмовної мови в газетах; зроблено висновки щодо використання авторами газетного матеріалу експресивних засобів розмовної мови.
The article describes typical characteristics and linguistic tools of journalistic style. It reveals the directions and functions of newspaper style, the ways of penetration of common vocabulary into the newspaper-journalistic discourse. It also gives the examples of common vocabulary in the newspapers and concludes the usage of expressive tools of colloquial language by the authors of newspapers. Colloquial vocabulary penetrates into other styles more intensively than grammatical colloquial forms; meanwhile, it keeps the stylistic coloration of the vernacular. Some linguists attribute stylistically reduced character to the colloquial language. However, the last researches prove that vernacular neutral vocabulary is typical for common speech. A lexical composition of common verbal language differentiates bo its stylistic diversity and expressiveness. The vocabulary of common language differs from literary one by the specific of semantic construction of the saying that cannot exist in codified literary language (CLL) which are an inversion; linguistic configuration gap; violation of the sequence; the opportunity to include the words, sayings, abbreviations that cannot be used in CLL. Nonetheless, they have an essential expressive coloring. Therefore, the authors of newspapers use the expressive tools of colloquial language that can provide the figurativeness, emphasis, and some brevity of the text. The functionality of the common verbal language in the newspaper-journalistic discourse is influenced by the linguistic factor of its semantic structure which actualized elements are able to satisfy the pragmatic factors of novelty and indistinctness.