У статті описано методи, прийоми і засоби формування вмінь і навичок усного мовлення молодших школярів з урахуванням вимог до навчально-мовленнєвої діяльності; визначено види вправ, описано та теоретично обґрунтовано методику їх застосування. Правильно організована робота, спрямована на розвиток зв’язного мовлення першокласників, сприятиме розвитку самостійності і творчої активності школярів, збагатить мовлення учнів початкових класів різноманітними формами і способами висловлення думки.
The article deals with the methods, techniques and means of forming oral communication skills and habits according to the requirements for educational and communicative activities. The types of exercises are settled, methods of their usage is described and theoretically substantiated. Necessary condition of forming socially active and spiritually rich personality is mastering speech as a means of communication. Speech is not only the form of communication but also a means of transmitting and acquiring knowledge. Speech activity provides acquiring of native language. That’s why it is important to develop speech, work on it constantly and deliberately because well-developed speech is the condition of real success in education and communication. Development of speech is the main unit of the curriculum in the first language and the guiding principle of its acquiring. Thus, the teacher’s task at each lesson is to form pupils’ grammatically correct speech, enrich their vocabulary, work at forming their skills to use words in appropriate grammatical forms, improve dialogical speech and lay the foundations of monological or connected speech. During school study the functions of speech are extending; speech arises and develops as a means of knowledge acquiring and transfer. Speech is also the way of forming personality and her socialisation in life. Properly organized work aimed at the development of first-graders’ connected speech is the basis of successful formation of their intellectual sphere in the future.