У статті запропоновано та проаналізовано педагогічні умови використання моделі управління підготовкою учнів ліцею з посиленою військово-фізичною підготовкою до служби в Збройних Силах України. Обґрунтовано її побудову на основі застосування педагогічного проектування з визначенням необхідних компонентів і модулів управління, деталізовано засоби, методи, форми і зміст ефективного управління внутрішньою системою забезпечення якості освіти в ліцеї з посиленою військово-фізичною підготовкою.
The article considers and analyses the pedagogical conditions of the use of the model of management preparation of students of lyceum with intensive military and physical training for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It substantiates the construction of the model on the basis of the application of pedagogical design with the definition of the necessary components and modules of management, means, methods, forms and content of effective management of the education quality assurance internal systems in the lyceum with intensive military and physical training. Unlike other types of social activity, military service is characterized by high dynamics: rapid pace, large physical and mental loads, rapid transitions from one activity to another, clear organization, strict discipline (based on the requirements of the military statutes, orders, etc.). The emphasis is on the priority of adaptation problems among conscripts. These conditions increase the requirements for the examination of the young men’s social and psychological availability for military service since the Ukrainian army requires youth which are physically and psychologically ready to serve the country. The necessity that emerged during the years of independence of Ukraine is not only to create a network of new types of specialized institutions of general secondary education – lyceum with intensive military and physical training, but also the need for their high-quality and efficient management and functioning. The issue of special significance is the creation and use of an effective model of management preparation of students of lyceum with intensive military and physical training for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the definition of the appropriate pedagogical conditions for its use. The article emphasises on the importance of building and efficient use of the education quality assurance internal systems through the development and implementation of a comprehensive system of pedagogical conditions for management preparation of students of lyceum with intensive military and physical training for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.