Purpose – to analyze the natural and social factors of the functioning of the greenhouse economy of the region and to justify the ways of optimizing the development of vegetable cultivation of closed soil on the example of the village Horoshova. Methods: descriptive, comparative and spatial analysis, as well as mapping, modeling and mathematical calculations. Results. The development of the closed-ground economy of the Middle Pridnestrha has intensified since the 80’s of the twentieth century. Now this branch is traditional in the region, especially in villages close to the Dniester. The publication highlights the physical and geographical preconditions of development and the current state of the greenhouse economy in the territory of the village Horoshova; its power and food value are modeled; Problems and directions of optimization of vegetable cultivation of the closed ground of the region are analyzed. Factors that improve the efficiency of the economy are numerous: modern greenhouse designs, new technologies for growing and harvesting products, F1 hybrids, organizational issues, process maintenance, professionalism of farmers and personnel for service, marketing and management. Conclusions. For further development, it is necessary to consider the prospects of sales and sales at the regional level, namely the development of secondary infrastructure, the supply of vegetable products to large wholesale markets of surrounding regional and district centers, the association of vegetable growing with the food industry (preservation and processing), the production of own organic fertilizers on the basis waste production.
У публікації висвітлено фізико-географічні передумови розвитку та сучасний стан тепличного господарства на території села Горошова; змодельовано його потужності та продовольче значення; проаналізовано проблеми та напрямки оптимізації овочівництва закритого ґрунту регіону.