Короткий опис(реферат):
The aim of the work is to develop the principles of team completion in sports aerobics using methods of factor and cluster analysis. Material and methods. Participants in the study. The study involved 24 aerobics athletes (women) – members of the national team and its reserve for sports aerobics in Kharkov. Methods of research: Aerobics athletes were performed complex examination to determine the functional state of the body of athletes (arterial pressure, parameters of pulsometry, testing on the treadmill), psychophysiological state (determination of the time of a simple and complex reaction in various modes of signal delivery). Physical development, vestibular stability and physical readiness were also determined. For the processing of data, methods of mathematical statistics were applied the computer programs "EXEL" and "SPSS". Mathematical and visual models of aerobics of each group were constructed. Results. Using factor analysis in the structure of the complex preparedness of women, four main factors were identified: 1 - The factor "Parasympathicotonia"; 2 - Factor "Mobility of the nervous system "; 3 - Factor "Force"; 4 - Factor "A sense of time". The individual factor structure of athletes' preparedness was revealed, for which the percentage values of the severity of each factor in each athlete were determined. All athletes have a different severity of various factors, indicating that there are significant individual differences. On the basis of the data obtained, groups of athletes can be formed for appearances in various competitive categories. Conclusions. Factor analysis allows to determine the overall and individual structure of athletes' preparedness. The data obtained with regard to the individual preparedness structure can be used for associations of athletes in groups for participation in different competitive categories.