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The attempt to define separate stylistic aspects of Ukrainian language are found in work by Kostyantyn Luchakovs’kiy “Nacherk stylistyky, poetyky i rytoryky z dodatkom pro krasu movy I budovu virsha” (Essay about stylistics, poetics and rhetoric with supplementation about beauty of language and poem composition), with the following parts: “Stylistics”, “Poetics”, “Rhetoric” and supplementation “Beauty of language and poem composition”. The aim of the article is to analyze the given scientific work by Kostyantyn Luchakovs’kiy and to define its role in supply of textbooks for stylistics of Ukrainian language. In the part “Stylistics” the terms “stylistics” and “style” are explained. Besides that such tropes as comparison, which “expresses the similarity of two notions by putting both notions together and showing their common distinctive marks” and metaphor (“перенесенє” (transmission)) and its kinds: instead of abstract notion the concrete one is used; instead of concrete object (image) the other one, more figurative is used; abstract notions acquire the indistinctive features. K. Luchakovs’kiy considers prosopopoeia (personification), ethopoeia (embodiment) and allegory as metaphors. Special attention the author pays to synecdoche, metonymy, irony, euphemisms (“govoryty zhychlyvo” (to speak politely)), litotes and analyze them in details. Among figures the scientist-philologist specifies grammatical and rhetorical ones; “the first ones are shown with the help of missing, repetition of one or several expressions, the other ones are shown with the help of gradation, contraposition and other kinds of making words constant”. The author consider asyndeton («асидет, безполучник»); polysyndeton («полїсиндет, многосполучник»); ellipse («елїпса, пропущенє»); preterition («апосиопеза, замовчанє»); repetition («повторенє»), in particular, chiasmus («хіазм») and refrain («референ»); question and answer («питанє для виражен- ня сумніву, переченя або зворушеня»); «виклик для вираженя жалю або радости , зазиву до дїла»; «апострофа (зазив)» as grammatical figures. The rhetorical figures, in K. Luchakovs’kiy’s opinion, are onomatopoeia, paronomasía («парономазия»), antithesis, which are created by oxymoron («окси- мора»), paradox («парадокса, несподіванка»); gradation («степенованє»), inversion («інверсія»). The interesting fact is that in supplementation “Beauty of language and poem composition” K. Luchakovs’kiy tries to differentiate linguistic means of scientific, artistic and conversational styles. Therefore, the work by K. Luchakovs’kiy “Nacherk stylistyky, poetyky i rytoryky z dodatkom pro krasu movy I budovu virsha” (Essay about stylistics, poetics and rhetoric with supplementation about beauty of language and poem composition) proves the origin of Ukrainian stylistics and can be considered as a contribution into supply of textbooks in this discipline. |
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