Дане видання передбачає висвітлення перебігу історичних подій пов’язаних із становленням, розвитком, здобутками та перспективами кафедри архівознавства, спеціальних історичних та правознавчих дисциплін К-ПНУ імені Івана Огієнка (30-ті рр. ХХ – початок ХХІ ст.). Видання рекомендується студентам, магістрантам історичного факультету, учителям, викладачам, всім тим, хто цікавиться історією К-ПНУ імені Івана Огієнка.
The article deals with the process of creation and foundation of the modern “Archives study, special historical and jurisprudential subjects” department of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University’s Historical Faculty. Based on archive documents and other published sources of information the history of department development, its professors and lecturers stuff, which has been changing for fifty years, the activity of lecturers and laboratory assistants was investigated. The remarkable scientific and pedagogical activity of the heads of the department (during the period of thirty-six years) such as I.S. Vynokur, P.F. Shcherbyna, Y.M. Tarasov and other scientists. Archeological investigation became one of the scientific topics. The archaeological study was created and then it has been transformed into laboratory since the 1st of October in 1971 where archaeological findings were studied and exhibited. The department was transformed into the “smithy” of new scientific stuff during the many years of hard work. The whole brilliant group of well-known scientists started their theses in this department: Doctors of Historical Sciences S.E. Bazhenova, O.P. Hryhorenko, O.M. Zavalniuk, V.S. Lozovyi, V.S. Stepankov; Candidates of Historical Scientists – M.A. Aleshchenko, O.L. Bazhenov, A.L. Hlushkovetskyi, A.A. Lybchynskyi, V.V. Malyi, M.B. Petrov, I.V. Pybak, I.V. Sesak, Y.A. Khoptiar etc. The scientific and methodical achievements of the department for the period of fifty years are summarized. The new tasks are determined.