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Про моду в українських говірках

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dc.contributor.author Коваленко, Наталія Дмитрівна
dc.date.accessioned 2019-04-05T11:41:26Z
dc.date.available 2019-04-05T11:41:26Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.citation Коваленко Н. Д. Про моду в українських говірках / Н. Д. Коваленко // Науковий вісник ДДПУ імені І. Франка. Серія “Філологічні науки Мовознавство. – № 9. – 2018. – С.89-92. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://elar.kpnu.edu.ua/xmlui/handle/123456789/2301
dc.description.abstract У статті досліджено симатичні особливості та просторове поширення фразеологізмів із компонентом "мода" на основі наративів, словників, фольклорних текстів. Визначено, що найчастіше цей компонент у складі фразеологічних одиниць виступає символом давнього звичаю, обрядодійства, стійкості моральних та вольових якостей. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract It is well-known that the phraseological picture of the world most fully and figuratively expresses the mentality of the ethnos, its cultural and historical heritage, experience in the evolution of cognition of the world and, therefore, studying the stages of "birth" and the existence of popular phrases in connection with context (for example, texts of living people’s speech) 'when meaning can either be foreseen or understood by a hint or be surprised by unexpected contamination, etc. The phraseological units of the national literary language and the dialect language, for the most part, have an ethno-cultural component 'which can represent different levels of expressiveness, but is can clearly be manifested in temporal and spatial comparison. In the article the semantic features and spatial distribution of phraseological units with the component "fashion" on the basis of narratives, dictionaries, and folklore texts are studied. It is determined that this component in the phraseological units more often acts as a symbol of ancient customs, rituals, and the stability of moral and volitional qualities. In the regional phraseological dictionaries of the Ukrainian language the fixed expressions with the component fashion which belong to one semantic field "in accordance with the custom" have a transparent motivation and are included in the commentary about the old ceremonies. The dialect speakers of elder age may use the word "fashion" and phraseological units with this component to refer to the actual concept of "fashionable". The semantics of phraseological units 'is generally accepted, became customary’ has also been revealed, it does not concern actual folk rituals and customs, in stories about peculiarities of husbandry, construction, cooking, etc. Thus, the functioning of the phraseological units in dialect language creates all conditions for continuous changes not only in the component composition, structure but also in the development of new semantic shades. Being realized in new plots and topics, phraseological units acquire figurativeness, rethinking but they still "keep" something primary, initial. The level of "conversationality" deserves the particular attention - which words, phrases can replace the phraseologism and vice versa. en
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk_UA
dc.publisher Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка uk_UA
dc.subject фразеологічна одиниця uk_UA
dc.subject діалектне мовлення uk_UA
dc.subject говір uk_UA
dc.subject говірка uk_UA
dc.subject компонент uk_UA
dc.subject мода uk_UA
dc.subject phraseological unit en
dc.subject dialectal speech en
dc.subject dialect en
dc.subject component en
dc.subject fashion en
dc.title Про моду в українських говірках uk_UA
dc.title.alternative About fashion in Ukrainian dialects en
dc.type Article en
dc.identifier.udc 81.161.2'373(477.46)

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