У статті простежується роль поетичної інтерпретації форми в подоланні культурної дистанції через художній переклад. Можливості інтерпретації смислу форми продемонстровані на прикладі художніх перекладів “Книги пісень” Г. Гейне, зроблених В. Кобилянським. Предметом вивчення стали характерні риси строфічної, метричної організації, фоніки, мелодійна основа віршів, засоби створення образності, особливості пунктуації. Авторка доводить, що В. Кобилянський долає культурну дистанцію між українською і німецькою національно-етнічними традиціями через майстерну інтерпретацію форми “Книги пісень” Г. Гейне.
The paper investigates how the poetic interpretation of form overcomes cultural distances in translation. Based on the theory of E. Betty on a representative form, the hypothesis of the paramount importance of the form in interpreting literary works has been actualized. It is noted that the form of a literary work not only embodies its content, but also produces an associative and semantic field that goes beyond the text. The form experiences inevitable changes during the translation, but its meaningful content becomes a unifying link between two cultures. Opportunities for interpreting the meaning of forms are demonstrated on the example of the translations of “The Book of Songs” by H. Heine made by V. Kobylianskyi. The research focuses on the characteristic features of strophic and metrical organization, phonics, melodic basis of poems, means of creating imagery, features of punctuation. It shows the high mastery of V. Kobylianskyi as an insightful interpreter. V. Kobylianskyi demonstrates the world of German culture to the Ukrainian reader finding images that are close to the national and ethnic tradition. The interpreter throws a bridge between different cultural and historical realities, draws parallels between them. Working on the form of translation, V. Kobylianskyi quite resolutely departs from the formal signs of the original. However, such steps bring him closer to the most complete disclosure of the internal form, that may be most fully rendered on the verge of subjectivity of the author, the interpreter, and the reader. Taking into account the literary taste and cultural experience of the Ukrainian reader, V. Kobylianskyi opens for his people the creativity of H. Heine as a distinctive and at the same time intercultural heritage of mankind.