Національна академія наук України – рушій українського мовотворення

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Шеремета, Наталія Петрівна
dc.contributor.author Андрейчук, Л.Й.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-12-02T20:33:34Z
dc.date.available 2019-12-02T20:33:34Z
dc.date.issued 2014
dc.identifier.citation Шеремета Н. П. Національна академія наук України – рушій українського мовотворення / Н. П. Шеремета, Л. Й. Андрейчук // Наукові праці Кам'янець-Подільського національного університету імені Івана Огієнка. Філологічні науки. - 2014. - Вип. 35. - С. 76-79. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://elar.kpnu.edu.ua/xmlui/handle/123456789/3162
dc.description.abstract У статті окреслено роль Української академії наук в українському мовотворенні, заналізовано законодавчі та розпорядчі акти Академії з питань мовної політики, схарактеризовано громадянську позицію у мовному питанні діячів української науки. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract This article outlines the role of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in the Ukrainian creation of language, legislative and administrative acts of the Academy of Linguistic Policy are analyzing, the public position is characterized in the language issue of figures of Ukrainian science. It is proved that the Academy of Sciences from the time of its founding in 1918 passed away full of constant creativity and selfless work. Scientists have made a significant contribution to the world science, technological progress, economic development and Ukrainian culture. On the basis of orthographic and terminological commission under the historical-philological department of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and Terminology Committee of Ukrainian Scientific Society in Kiev in 1921 it was founded the Institute of Ukrainian scientific language. The institution was headed by аcademician Krimsky A. And in the same year it was concluded the first Ukrainian Academic spelling, that assisted the convergence of Eastern and Western spelling traditions. However, after 1933 the authorities took full control of the activities of the Academy, including linguistic institution. In Ukraine, began the comprehensive "harmonization" and "cleaning" to "nationalist perversion" did not harm the "mastery of literate masses." All subsequent Soviet policy of linguistic divisions of the Academy was designed to provide "unity of spelling fraternal peoples of the Soviet Union - especially Russian." Orthographic conflict continues to this day. Consistent complex of "patches" and "revision" for many years has changed the lexical composition and structure of our language. His analysis makes it possible to trace the origin and evolution of many current language disorders. "Our spelling, our language, our dictionaries − everything are distorted. And reviving others, simultaneously should regenerate " − assures Karavanskyy S. After achieving of independence, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine the first time became truly self-governing organization. Before scientists, particularly in the humanities, revealed great potential in the process of nation-building. Unfortunately, monolithic ethnic community, which actually Ukrainian constitute 77.8% of all the people, even today there is the language problem. Therefore, the Institute of Ukrainian language and the Institute of Linguistics named after O.Potebni ,Academy of Sciences of Ukraine shall direct its scientific potential for consolidation of Ukrainian as the state language, to finally disappearing of speculation like what is native language. – Language of family? Or maybe deeper − origin? en
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk_UA
dc.publisher ФОП Сисин Я.І. uk_UA
dc.subject Національна академія наук України uk_UA
dc.subject Інститут української наукової мови uk_UA
dc.subject Інститут української мови uk_UA
dc.subject Інститут мовознавства uk_UA
dc.subject National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine en
dc.subject Ukrainian Institute of Scientific Language en
dc.subject Ukrainian Language Institute en
dc.subject Institute of Linguistics en
dc.title Національна академія наук України – рушій українського мовотворення uk_UA
dc.type Article en
dc.identifier.udc 001(477):821.161.2

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