Мета цієї наукової розвідки – на основі записів українського діалектного мовлення, лексикографічних праць дослідити особливості вживання та просторове поширення сталих виразів із компонентом мак, з’ясувати, які особливості рослини є джерелом фітонімічних метафор і фразеологізмів.
Phraseological units with components of the names of plant world make up a large part of the common linguistic phraseological system, reflecting the various spheres of human life, and therefore confirm the conclusions of linguists on the moving of phraseological paradigm towards anthropocentrism. The article the peculiarities of the use and spatial distribution of floronomen mak ‘poppy’ in the structure of phraseological units of Ukrainian literary language and dialect are researched. The material used for the study was lexical and phraseological dictionaries of dialects and records of texts from native speakers of Ukrainian, made by the author. The lexicographic works confirm the extraordinarily rich fund of phraseologisms, the active variation of these units in the areal projection, and also make it possible to study the phraseological component within a fixed combination of words and beyond. It has been specified that the names and symbols of mak ‘poppy’, its flower, fruit and stem can serve as the basis for the metaphorical nomination.