У статті заналізовано сучасний стан та перспективи навчально-методичного забезпечення викладання української діалектології як науки; запропоновано власну концепцію укладання нового посібника, оптимального для навчання за кредитно-модульною системою.
The article analyzed the current state and prospects of training and methodological support of teaching Ukrainian dialects as a science; offered his own concept of laying new manual, optimal learning credit system. In terms of postcolonial Ukrainian society is extremely important and relevant the profound knowledge of the language as an expression of ethnic mentality. Ukrainian dialectology as a science of dialect is in a state of revival, constantly moving forward, developing new areas of research. Concluding a new handbook for practical training of Ukrainian dialects for students of the Ukrainian Philology and Journalism in Kamyanets-Podilsky National University named after Ivan Ohienko has been long overdue. Almost 10 years passed since its latest development. During this time were published new theoretical and lexicographical publications, which must be supplemented with illustrating of the manual. At the same time it will be added with the records of dialect, dialect vocabulary concluded by students during practice. This material is kept in the laboratory dialectological research in the Department of the Ukrainian language and is still not part of educational publications. The manual will consist of three parts: 1) the educational and methodical complex of the course of «Ukrainian dialectology»; 2) guidelines for the course; 3) reference. The manual «Ukrainian dialectology» will promote the study of living folk speech in all its diversity, the creation of a special creative atmosphere on employments, providing continuity of scientific methodological knowledge, independence thinking of students, enhance scientific research, enhance expression of components of professional competence.