У статті заналізовано сподівані і не фіксовані раніше морфологічні форми західноподільських говірок на основі записів сучасного зв’язного діалектного мовлення, прокоментовано частоту їх виявлення, звернено особливу увагу на давні риси української мови, продемонстровано, що текстова інформація відчутно розширює можливості студіювання говіркового мовного континууму.
The article analyzes morphological forms of Podillia way of speaking based on the records of modern connected dialectal speech, comments on the frequency of their discovery, special attention is paid to the old features of the Ukrainian language, demonstrates that text information significantly expands the possibilities of studying the dialectal linguistic continuum. Descriptive studies of Ukrainian dialects during the last decades have become much more active. Textcentrism gradually becomes an ideologue of modern dialectology. Descriptive studios, executed on the basis of dialectal texts, remain the priority in the study of grammar of Ukrainian dialectal text. The lack of systematic, comprehensive analysis of Podillia dialect in the scientific world prompts the creation of an expanded source text base and their corresponding further characteristics. The purpose of the article is to find out the meaning of dialectal text to characterize the morphological features of the dialect system, to investigate the morphological peculiarities of Podillia dialect on the basis of records of coherent dialectal speech by phonetic transcription. A solid analysis of dialectal texts recorded on the territory of Khmelnytskyi region made it possible to distinguish earlier fixed grammatical forms. At the same time, certain expected forms were absent or the frequency of the discovery of various grammatical forms of such signs of the Podillia dialect at the level of morphology was different. Separate words retain archaic morphological forms, others demonstrate the repetition or, vice versa, the recovery of sounds, syllables within the word, the alignment of the solid and soft groups, the transition of words from one part of the language to another, and others. Consequently, the analysis of dialectal material written at the beginning of the 21st century convinces us that large dialectal texts remain an objective source of studying of all levels of language, and especially of the morphological one, give an opportunity to prove the dialectal phenomenon in the system and to trace all the regularities of its functioning.